Thanks for your interest in attending the upcoming Virtual Drake P3 Certification workshop. If you’ve been using the system for several years and need a refresher, or you’re a new user who would like to sharpen your understanding of the full breadth of system’s capabilities, this workshop is for you! We’ve created a virtual learning experience where you will gain hands-on experience applying the Drake P3 system to your organization!
NOTE: attendance at all modules is required for certification.
Module One: Introduction to Behavioral Traits
Module Two: Applying Drake P3 Capabilities in Hiring
Module Three: Skills to Foster Teamwork
Module Four: Introduction to Team Dynamics
Time: We will begin promptly at 8am and conclude by 12pm each day
Location: Your home or office space with a reliable computer connection
If you’re interested in attending the next workshop, please fill out the form below.
To ensure a rich learning experience, registration is limited to 16 participants. Register today to reserve your seat in the upcoming Drake P3 Certification workshop.